Call us at 095800043

We Provide Exceptional Childcare at Our Penrose/Mt Wellington ELC

Our family-owned Early Childhood Centre provides children with an exceptional start to their educational journey. You can be confident that our stimulating environment and highly trained teachers will care for your child’s needs, build their confidence, and encourage a strong foundation for future learning.

  • We participate in the 20 hours early childhood education scheme:
    As participants in the ECE scheme, children aged three to five can attend our learning centre fully subsidised for up to 20 hours per week, so you don’t need to worry about day care cost. Your child can attend morning or afternoon sessions or as part of their full enrolment.

  • We provide honest and open communication:
    We ensure that you remain well informed about what is happening at our centre and how your child is settling into our environment. Along with regular updates at drop off and pick up times, we also use a secure online tool to share about your child’s learning. We create nursery journals with daily updates for children under one, weekly blog posts for older children, and monthly newsletters with general information.

  • We take a holistic approach to learning:
    We provide an inclusive centre where your child can learn, grow, and thrive in a stimulating environment with a focus on the child leading their learning with the support of teachers.

Why should I choose Child's Time?

  • Family-owned Early Learning Centre

  • Quality ratios

  • Professional trained teachers who care

  • Warm and welcoming environment

  • Exclusive Under 2 playground

  • Respectful communication

  • Organised transitions

  • Health and Safety procedures

  • 20 ECE hours available 

  • In centre cook

  • Transition to school programme

Tips for discovering the perfect Early Learning Centre

When evaluating an Early Learning Centre for your child, consider these essential tips to aid your decision:

  1. Teacher-Child Interaction: Observe how teachers engage with children during your visit. Our centre's low teacher-to-child ratio ensures personalised attention, nurturing their growth and well-being.

  2. Open Communication: Connect with staff to address questions about activities, daily structure, and meals. Our commitment to open, respectful communication fosters strong relationships, supported by online updates and face-to-face conversations.

  3. Child's Visit: Allow your child to explore the center and interact with peers. Short, regular visits help them acclimate, building familiarity with our environment, educators, and fellow children.

Why Trust Child’s Time Early Learning Centre ?

Our family-owned ELC is a short drive away for families living in Penrose/Mt Wellington. It provides your child with an excellent start to their learning journey in a safe and caring environment.  Our centre has highly trained and qualified teachers that cater to the individual needs of each child. Contact us to find out more about our children’s learning centre.


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